I don’t know about you, but when I’m embracing and using my spiritual gifts, my life is better, and I’m just so much more fulfilled. I haven’t always been open to my gifts though. I’ve done other things that didn’t allow me to make an impact, or serve humanity in the way I knew my soul needed to. If you’ve experienced a similar struggle in your own life, I want to encourage you to trust the process, and discover what is possible for you.

About 6 months ago (February 2022), I was looking out the back window of my home, and to me, it looked like paradise. I love the desert, all of the red, and even the heat. I then looked around my newly constructed home that I had lived in for a few months. Everything in my home was picked out by me (I thought that was pretty wonderful), and it’s exactly what I wanted. I just felt this immense gratitude, and absolute love radiating through me. It seemed like everything was perfect, and I should be feeling on top of the world, but that was actually the opposite of how I was feeling.

Don’t get me wrong-I believe material things are wonderful, and I know they can add so much to our lives. I also know they aren’t what I’m truly about, and they will never fill a void inside of me (which I unfortunately still had, and I would soon find out why).

I knew I needed to take direction from the universe and start trusting the process by moving forward, one step at a time.

One of my mentors, Evan Carmichael, talks about the 2% method. This is an idea that once you get the creative idea that excites you, you need to start right away with the 2% of what you were shown, until you start to get the next 2%, and on from there. Most of us (myself included) want it outlined, and we want to know what our plan is going to look like from start to finish when we’re first starting something. I personally wanted to know the entire 100%, and if I didn’t know, I would make it up and force it!

That way of creating energy will burn us out, and ultimately, it makes us feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and exhausted. This is actually what disempowered masculine energy is, and I was in this space all of the time, burning my adrenal glands out, leading to a great deal of autoimmune responses from my body.

In today’s episode, I’m talking more about learning to trust the process in your life, and my real-life examples like:

  • My realization of deep gratitude for my life, but also knowing I was very unfulfilled
  • A personal experience where I attended a live workshop and drew a card that dramatically impacted (and changed) my story
  • Understanding that we don’t have to have the entire process mapped out for us in order to take the next step
  • Learning that when we surrender and trust the process, we’re able to positively impact and help others who truly need our help

I’ve had quite the journey over the years, and especially the last 6 months since starting my book, and other projects that have unfolded since then. I’ve learned that I want to thrive, instead of just survive, and I’m learning to really respond to surrender and flow. I now understand that it’s okay for me to not have every single thing figured out before I start something; I get one thing to concentrate on, and as I finish the process, I will receive the next assignment.

Whatever is supposed to happen will simply happen, and I’m not going to fight it. I want to help you shift into a place of openness to be able to share your unique gifts, and trust the process while doing so. I’m here to be your cheerleader along the way, and once you start to trust the process in your own life, you’ll be amazed at what will happen!

Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

  • Download your FREE copy of the 5 ways to discover your inner voice and begin your inner shift with me: https://wendybunnell.com/ 
  • I would love to continue this conversation-connect with me over on Instagram!

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